Thursday, February 23, 2017

Cleaning Up My Friends List

As I start this post, I cannot come up with a title that makes sense. A title that would tell someone who might glance at it, what the post is about. Let's hope I think of one before I'm done. 

This is a little, insignificant rant. So...what's with all the people on Facebook who want you to 'share' what they post to their wall on your wall? I don't mean recipes or some such. I'm referring to that annoying little threat of deletion post. 

It starts something like, 'I'm cleaning up my friends list blah blah... Then there is a call to action... Like post or comment on how we met. Then post on your time line and I will Like and comment. I know most of you won't do this, my real friends will, etc.

Taking this paragraph as they have posted it. What I read is quite different than the intent I think. 

First, does anyone on Facebook really clean up their friends list? Some might, I never have. Frankly, I have friends on the list I have met through gaming or another internet activity and while we don't 'know' each other, there's no reason to delete them. Many share funny posts or recipes that I enjoy seeing on my timeline. 

I know it's a big deal to get a lot of Likes on a post but I'm not sure why. My issue is when they ask for a comment on how we met. Either they can't remember who the people are on their list or are checking to see if people remember them. Yes, it's tempting to put something bizarre on their like 'we were both on the same alien spaceship'. Generally, I don't respond. 

Other than the fact the post qualifies as spam or some bizarre chain letter post; I find the fact that I am to copy an paste to my timeline annoying. Copy and paste will read like I wrote it. Well, I'm not cleaning up my friends list or deleting people so, why would I copy it to my timeline?

To let you in on a little secret, I've never done more than read those posts and, as far as I know, I've not been deleted from someone's friends list. 

Determining the reason for the post in the first place is tricky. If asked, most will say 'oh it was just for fun'.  Strange idea of fun, to threaten to delete friends. I really think that people get bored or need some type of attention. Maybe they fear that the person who sent it to them really will delete them. 

My point, if I need to have one is, knock it off. It's pointless and kind of annoying. I, for one, will not do it. And sadly, I still have no good title for this post. Maybe that's a clue that this is not worth posting but I'm going to do it anyway. 

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